Welcome to the Cottagestead! We are so happy to see you.

Take your boots off, make yourself a cuppa, and join us as we recreate an old-fashioned cottagestead life in our little workers cottage.



Folding the dough – start to finish

This easy step-by-step tutorial shows you how to do your “stretch & folds” and how to shape a batard. When you are ready to bake your loaf, don’t forget to check out my easy scoring tutorial for a super simple, but gorgeous scoring pattern!


Beginner scoring pattern

This sourdough scoring pattern is easy enough for any beginner. That doesn’t mean it’s not pretty though! Take a step up from wheat with this super simple sourdough scoring pattern.

Bee on Honeycomb scoring pattern

This is my absolute fave sourdough bread scoring pattern. It combines two of my highest life priorities – bees and sourdough bread! It looks complicated – but trust me it’s really not! Give it a go.

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