HOW TO HAVE IT ALL, WHen your patch is only small.

Hi, we are Alison & Matt.
Our little family lives in a in a little cottage, in a little town. We are doing all we can to have it all, even though our patch is pretty small! Growing food in our garden, collecting honey and wax from our beehives and eggs from our chickens, canning, sewing, knitting, and of course – dancing in the kitchen and playing banjo on the front porch.
We are restoring our adorable 100 year old workers cottage, returning her to her former beauty and grace. She has lovely pressed metal ceilings, an open fire in the living room, wide board wood floors and the old wavy glass windows that, if you are anything like us, make you fall in love instantly.
We aim to prove that you don’t need acres of land and a big old farmhouse to live simply and naturally. For generations, families were raised in little cottages, growing and making, living and thriving.
Join us and follow along while we bring back old-fashioned cottagestead life.